Thursday, January 23, 2014

Semester Final Exam - Period 3

1. Create a blog post titled  "Semester Final Exam - Period 3" You will email this blog post to me when  you are finished with your final.

2. Type the name to your photo website link and embed the link so that I can click on your website name and go directly to your photo website in a new window. (I gave you an example using my website.)
4. Find your favorite blog post that you published from this year. (Here is an example, but you attach the you favorite post, not your entire site.) Give me three reasons that this was your favorite blog post. Why did you like the post? 
         Favorite Blog of the Year 
  • My cropping helped eliminate any distracting backgrounds
  • Brought the Image way more color in exposure 
  • It looked 10x better than the original
5. Choose your favorite photo from the semester and tell me why it was your favorite. Paste the photo. List three reasons that you liked the photo. 
  • I love how the dim lighting from the clouds reflected on he face and hair 
  • I love taking pictures of people when they are serious 
  • The background really blends in with how i framed her face

6. Choose your BEST photos from the first semester. Provide THREE reasons using the language of photography class to explain why the photo was your best. Include the photo or a link to the photo! 
  • By my model sitting down i was able to frame her face and avoid having to take full body shots.
  • The brightness of her hair really brought out her fair skin.
  • Her dark clothing was an asset for capturing more light.
 7. List three advantages for working in groups and three disadvantages. (You can use bullets, lists or complete sentences.)  
Advantages                                                                                  Disadvantages
  • less work than if you were by yourself.                          May not agree all the time.
  • more work on my social skills.                                                      Lack of accountability.
  • A lot more resources.                                                                        A lot of time spent on explaining projects.

8. Complete this phrase from Life magazine's founder. "Pictures are amazing "

9. Henri Cartier-Bresson knew when his photos were good because these three things were aligned. What were the three things?
According to Henri Cartier-Bresson, in order to take a photograph you must align the head, the eye and the heart.

11. I am wearing gray today and feeling blue. Edit the photo I took this morning. Open Aperture and color correct the white balance. If you choose, edit the photo to improve composition. Post the before and after photos, so that there are 3 final photos. 1. Before. 2. Color Corrected. 3. Black and White.


12. What project would interest YOU during second semester? 
I would really enjoy doing a project where all the pictures taken have to be focused on one person and blur out all the backgrounds.
13. Why do you think Mr. Farley has a "Hecka Free Zone?"
Mr.Farley has a "Hecka Free Zone" because he does not like the word "hecka" and most importantly it is not even a word.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

1st Semester Final Group Project

In this photo the model is sitting on the floor alongside a brick wall in a fairly shaded environment. The sunlight reflected on her hair giving her burgundy hair a more purple look.

My model Alondra was upset about sitting on the floor so i made her stare at the camera. I wanted to frame her face by the wall to emphasize the patterns in the background.
This photo was one of my most off guard shots because i told the model to fix her hair so i could capture her in a more natural state. 
In this photo Alondra noticed a blonde streak in her hair so i snap this shot where the light reflected off her hair.