Monday, September 16, 2013

Fun Fliters!

(Thermal Camera) I chose this filter because it is very colorful and bright just like me. I like how the filter frames my face lol :)
(Glow) I really like when my hair looks dark black and the glow filter blurs my face but darkens my hair and allowed me to express this self explanitory emotion im having.

(Mirror) I know one of me is not enough so double the image double the personality and i always wanted a twin.
(Black & White) This filter was always one of my favorites it can be dull depending on how you use this filter. Since my hair is big this filter really captured a few of my curls and does not show  skin complexion.
(comic book) It reminds me of the images in comic books and brightens my face in the image of a cartoon. It shows how i would look as a cartoon. It also took my necklace and nose ring and really shaped those images as well.